You are likely to fall off track. At least once.
It happens to everyone. Whether you hit a plateau, go through a stressful life event or experience weight loss plan fatigue, there will be a time when you will feel like throwing in the towel (if you haven’t already!). In these desperate moments, having the right support can be the essential influence to get you back on the wagon. The right support person (or people!) will be there to listen and empathize. They can then remind you of “why” you embarked on your program to begin with and encourage you to get back on track.
Knowledge is power.
The more educated you are on the right ways to lose weight, the more empowered you are to make change. Arm yourself with weight loss resources such as experts, websites, recipe blogs and books to get you in the right mindset and give you the right information for success. Time and again, I’ve had clients who think they’ve tried everything, yet when they’ve learned a new perspective on weight loss or a new strategy to try, they become re-inspired to continue the journey.
Accountability counts.
Let’s face it: when someone else is counting on you to show up, you are more encouraged and likely to do it! The right support has consistent check-ins that can help keep you motivated as well as help build consistency with your healthy behaviors. I’ve had hundreds of clients claim that the simple act of me weighing them in each week gave them enough motivation to stay on track with their healthy choices – whether they were my one-on-one clients or part of my weekly support group meetings. Having a workout buddy who expects you to meet him/her at the gym every morning can provide the same motivation!
We learn best from each other.
With our unlimited access to Internet, we have weight loss research right at our fingertips. Knowing “what” to do and knowing “how” to do it, however, are very different concepts. The support of a coach or a group can help guide you in the “how.” When I worked in our clubs and led weekly weight loss meetings, I just beamed as I witnessed the interaction after I’d brought up a topic (i.e. getting enough protein at each meal). The entire group would engage with each other and talk through how some of them had overcome that barrier and give guidance to participants who still struggled.
Weight loss can be emotional.
These are such common scenarios.... I’m spending hours at the gym each week and feel great, yet I also feel guilty being away from my family. I’m losing weight and fitting into smaller clothes, yet, I don’t recognize the person in the mirror or, worse, still see my heavier self in the reflection. Although losing weight is certainly positive for your health, it can absolutely stir up some mixed emotions that often distract us away from our goals or, even worse, completely sabotage the success we’ve experienced thus far. Having support can ensure this doesn’t happen to you. It also provides you with someone who will listen to the mixed emotions you’re facing and help keep you on track.
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