January 17, 2014 - Friday Weekend Warm-up
It is so much easier to stay in control when you maintain some type of eating schedule, even during the weekend, so that you don’t wind up just grazing all day. This weekend, don’t let unstructured time become unstructured eating.
January 16, 2014 - Think Thin Thursday Tip
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – being overweight is HARD!! Physically, mentally, financially, it takes a big toll. Working on healthy eating and losing weight can be hard, too, but at least it comes with amazing outcomes. If you think, “it’s too hard to work on healthy eating,” remind yourself that either way it’s hard.
January 15, 2014 - Wednesday Sabotage
Sabotaging Thought: I’ll never get good enough at my dieting skills so I might as well give up.
Response: I’m better at them now than I was two months ago, and two months from now I’ll be better than I am today. As long as I keep working, I will keep getting better!
January 14, 2014 - Tuesday Reality Check
If you think, “I don’t have time for diet and exercise,” remind yourself that you DO make time for the things in life that are most important to you. If the advantages of losing weight and being healthy are of great importance to you, then make dieting and exercise top priorities and you will find the time NO MATTER WHAT.
January 13, 2014 - Monday Motivation
This week, instead of thinking about what you can’t have when you’re working on eating healthfully, focus on what you can – delicious and healthy food, a reasonable amount of treats, good health, better self-confidence, a stable wardrobe, a more peaceful relationship with food, great feelings, etc.
January 10, 2014 - Friday Weekend Warm-up
This weekend, if it seems unfair that you can’t eat something, remind yourself, “It’s true that it’s not fair. But I need to ask myself: which unfairness would I rather have – not being able to eat this or not losing weight?” Then work on accepting it and move on.
January 9, 2014 - Think Thin Thursday Tip
It’s important to both give yourself credit for the good choices you make and not berate yourself when you make a mistake. When you beat yourself up, the only thing it does is demoralize you further and makes it harder to get back on track. When you give yourself credit, it makes you feel great, helps raise your confidence, makes it easier to keep doing what you're doing, and gives you motivation to stay on track.
January 8, 2014 - Wednesday Sabotage
Sabotaging Thought: I had such a hard day, I deserve to reward myself with food.
Response: If I reward myself with food and overeat, I’ll end up feeling terrible – physically and mentally, which will be the exact opposite of a reward. If I stay on track and control my eating, I will feel great. Food rewards just don’t work once the food is gone!
January 7, 2014 - Tuesday Reality Check
If you think, “I’m going to eat this. It’s okay, it doesn't matter,” remind yourself that that’s not true for two reasons. First, it matters because it impacts your weight loss and your weight loss goals matter! Second, it matters because EVERY time matters. Every time has consequences for the next time, and the time after that.
January 6, 2014 - Monday Motivation
We’re back and feeling motivated! A new year is the perfect time for a new start. Remember – big changes don’t happen overnight. It’s a combination of lots of small changes that eventually lead up to big ones. This week – focus on SMALL changes. They will make a difference.